The cathedral is an amazing right-hander wave that can withstand swells up to 3 meters. More technical than the bay, this wave is shallow and powerful. It is however accessible to all levels when the wave is small and offers long rides to practice your manoeuvres.

With big swells, the cathedral reveals its potential, and only intermediate to advanced surfers can take on its power.


The Reef is a left-hander wave breaking just in front of the central place of Imsouane. It breaks on a rocky bottom with two sections.

With small swells, this wave is accessible to all surfers, from beginners to advanced. When the swell is well orientated, it becomes very shallow and barrels form. It can withstand waves up to 2 meters.

This wave can get really fun with a medium swell (1 to 2m), where advanced surfers perform radical manoeuvers in the shallow sections.


This beachbreak wave breaks close to the shore, in both directions, on a sandy bottom, which makes it very enjoyable.

It is located at the Oued river mouth of Imsouane. Dry most of the time, the Oued carries the rainfall from the surrounding mountains to the ocean.

The waves are protected by the cliff of the Cathedral and offer good surfing conditions even when windy. Easy to surf, this wave is ideal for beginners and breaks very well with small swells.


Last stop before Taghazout, Imsouane remained authentic until the modern fishing port was built.
Moreover it is long, mellow rights keep wrapping into the well-protected south-facing bay, while several well-defined peaks grace the cathedral side. The amazing bay with an endless right-hander wave. Starting at the harbor’s jetty, it can break on 500 meters on its best days.